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Modern C++ Basics Module
Introduction to Modern C++ Basics Module
Course pre-requisites
Tools Needed in this course
Understanding your role as C++ Developer
Agreements 🙌
Motivation behind C++ core-guidelines
Getting Started with Modern C++
History of C++
Modern C++ code life cycle
C++ File Structure
Building Stages
Introduction to Building Stages
Building stages pre-processor
Install tldr
Compiling your C++ Application
Basic Input/Output Operations
Introduction to Input/Output Stream
📖 Read More in Input/output operations
Modern C++ basics
Introduction to Variables and datatypes
Built-in datatypes - Basics
Practice on basic datatypes
Core guidlines #1
const and constexpr
Built-in data types (complex) (Array)
Core Guidelines #2
Built-in datatypes (Complex) (Strings) #1
Built-in datatypes (Complex) (Strings) #2
Merge Arrays and Strings to create new container
Control Flow
If .. else Statement
Start Writing Start Writing Menu Application 🖋️🖋️ (You should do it, we are going to build on that 😃)
⚠️ Standard input with character data type ⚠️
Refactoring code using Switch case
C++ Core-guideline #3
Loops #1 (While Loop)
Loops #2 (For Loop)
Loops #3 (For Range)
Break and Continue
📑 Operators Basics (Important to watch it 😃😃😃😃)
Using Operators in our Menu Application
Operator Overloading
🚨 Functions (Important section)
Functions concepts #1
Functions views
Function overloading
Function Default Parameters
How to design a function
Read More about Functions
Pointers and References
Introduction to Pointers and references
Read more about Pointers and References
🚨 User-defined datatypes
Add classes to our application
Improve applications readability using enums
Graduation Project
Submit Project for reviewing it
Feedback form
Loops #3 (For Range)
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